ISBN 9783-935924-06-1 (3-935924-06-2)
128 Seiten. Softcover.
18,00 EUR
Formale Begriffsanalyse (FBA) / Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), Wissensverarbeitung / Conceptual Knowledge Processing, Verbandstheorie / Lattice Theory, Web-Suchmaschinen / Web Search Engines, Information Retrieval (IR), Data Mining, User Interfaces, Conceptual Structures (Information Theory)
Verlag Allgemeine Wissenschaft - HRW e.K.
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Wille
Tannenstraße 8
D-64367 Mühltal
Tel. +49-6151-147164
Fax +49-6151-147164
Erschienen im Verlag Allgemeine Wissenschaft, Mühltal, 2006.
This book deals with Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its application to Web Information Retrieval. It explains how Web search results retrieved by major Web search engines such as Google or Yahoo can be conceptualized leading to a human-oriented form of representation.
The variety of factors involved to produce a search result list of a Web Information Retrieval process is qualitatively investigated. The quality of current Web search results and their makeup are highlighted in order to develop an understanding of why certain results appear.
A generalization of Web search results is conducted, leading to an FCA-based introduction of FooCA. FooCA is an application in the field of Conceptual Knowledge Processing and supports the idea of a holistic representation of Web Information Retrieval. FooCA operates on Web search results, using the itemset consisting of the title, a short description, and the URL to build a formal context and an appropriate concept lattice. In order to generate a well-arranged concept lattice, using line diagrams to retrieve and analyze the data, it is shown step by step how the prior context can be iteratively explored and enhanced. Besides serving as a tool for holistic data exploration, FooCA also enables the regular user to learn step by step how to run new, optimized search queries for his personal information needs on the Web.
In a nutshell, this book gives an introduction into the basics of Formal Concept Analysis and Web Information Retrieval, combining theory with an innovative application.
Dipl.-Inform. Bjoern Koester > FooCA - Web Information Retrieval with Formal Concept Analysis